We built an R package to fit four types of stochastic differential equation (SDE) models =on discrete-time observations. The four models considered in the package are: the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) model which is also called the Vasicek model in the literature, the modified OU model called the MOU model in this tutorial, the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) model, and the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model. Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are derived for parameter estimation where the positivity assumption imposed on some of the parameters can be satisfied simultaneously in the estimation process.
The motivation for creating this R package came from my former experience. The usual way to fit the interest rate models is to reorganize the discrete-time observations into a linear regression format and them fits a linear regression model. If the positivity assumption imposed on some parameters is not satisfied, they just discard the fitted model and fit another SDE model. Fitting a SDE model in this way is not quite correct. My opinion is that if you want to fit a model with postitivity assumption to some parameters, you have to consider it during the fitting process. You can not fit a model by ignoring the assumption first and then check the assumption after the model is fitted. This is why we proposed using MCMC to fit these SDE models in which the assumption can be satisfied automatically in the estimation process.
To install the built package interRate
, you need to have the package devtools
available in your R or RStudio if you use RStudio as the IDE. Please use install.packages("devtools")
to install it first. Then we install our package interRate
::install_github("zhongxianmen2020/interRate") devtools
## Skipping install of 'interRate' from a github remote, the SHA1 (cbeaf78a) has not changed since last install.
## Use `force = TRUE` to force installation
If you want to install interRate
again, you need the following
::install_github("zhongxianmen2020/interRate", force=TRUE) devtools
## Downloading GitHub repo zhongxianmen2020/interRate@HEAD
## * checking for file 'C:\Users\zhongxian\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpOyu03O\remotes3d1853e05c0d\zhongxianmen2020-interRate-cbeaf78/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
## * preparing 'interRate':
## * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
## * checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
## * checking for empty or unneeded directories
## Omitted 'LazyData' from DESCRIPTION
## * building 'interRate_0.1.0.tar.gz'
## Installing package into 'C:/Users/zhongxian/Documents/R/win-library/4.1'
## (as 'lib' is unspecified)
Note Sometimes GitHub may delay your request and there will be an error. If this happens, please try again later.
Let \(r_t\) denote the observed interest rate at time \(t\), \(t\leq T\). The OU model is defined below.
\[ dr_{t}=(\alpha -\beta r_t) dt +\sigma dW_t, \] where \(\{W_t, t\geq0\}\) denotes the Wiener process, \(\beta>0\) and \(\sigma>0\). Define by \(\theta=(\alpha, \beta, \sigma)\) the vector of parameters of the OU model.
We assess the performance of the developed MCMC method for discrete OU model by simulation studies. We generate an artificial time series using the OU model with given parameter values. The generated data is then fitted by the derived MCMC estimation algorithm to see whether the estimation method can recover the true parameters used in the artificial data generation. The values of parameters used to generate artificial interest rate time series can be seen in the code below.
= 500
N = 1:N
r 1] = 0.0013875
= 0.018
alpha = 0.015
beta = 0.012
for (i in 2:N){
= r[i-1] + alpha - beta*r[i-1] + sigma*rnorm(1, 0, 1)
r[i] }
= 1: length(r)
k par(mfrow=c(1,1))
plot(k, r, type="l")
Now we fit the OU model to the artificially generated data set. We first load the built R package interRate
= 5000
burn_in = 15000
N = interRate(r, burn_in, N, "OU") model_fit
After discarding the first burn_in of 5,000 sampled points, we use the 10,000 sampled points for parameter estimation. We plot the three sampled time series after the burn_in period.
The following table contains the estimated parameters, the standard deviations, and the Bayesian confidence intervals.
$estimate model_fit
## Est. Std. HPD CI(95%)_lower HPD CI(95%)_upper
## 1 0.01933546 0.0020653252 0.01517741 0.02337829
## 2 0.01675521 0.0019904958 0.01269524 0.02055154
## 3 0.01187326 0.0003793787 0.01113819 0.01260001
For goodness-of-fit assessment of the estimated SDE models, there are a number of techniques that can be used. One of them is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test, which is often applied to assess whether the realized observation errors originated from the corresponding distribution follow a standard normal distribution.
The standardized residuals calculated using the formula below would follow a standard normal distribution.
\[ Residual_t =(r_t-(\hat{\alpha} -\hat{\beta} r_t))/\hat{\sigma}, \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: ress
## D = 0.028598, p-value = 0.8091
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The K-S test for the normality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.8091. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the standardized residuals follow a univariate normal distribution.
Another approach is to assess probability integral transforms (PITs) obtained from fitted SDE models. If the fitted SDE model agrees with the data, the PITs will follow a uniform distribution \(U(0,1)\). Again, we use the K-S test to test the uniformality of the PITs.
Suppose that \(\{f(r_t|{\cal F}_{t-1})\}_{t=1}^{T}\) is a sequence of conditional densities of \(r_t\) and \(\{p(r_t|{\cal F}_{t-1})\}_{t=1}^{T}\) is the corresponding sequence of one-step-ahead density forecasts. The PIT of \(r_t\) is defined as
\[ u(t)=\int_{-\infty}^{r_t} p(z|{\cal F}_{t-1})dz. \]
Under the null hypothesis that the sequence \(\{p(r_t|{\cal F}_{t-1})\}_{t=1}^{T}\) coincides with \(\{f(r_t|{\cal F}_{t-1})\}_{t=1}^{T}\), the sequence \(\{u(t)\}_{t=1}^T\) corresponds to i.i.d. observations from the Uniform distribution \(U(0,1)\). For the OU model, the PITs can be calculated using the following formula.
\[ u(t)=\int_{-\infty}^{r_t}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} \exp\bigg\{-\frac{(z-r_{t-1}-\alpha+\beta r_{t-1})^2}{2\sigma^2}\bigg\}dz\label{PitOne} \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: model_cdf
## D = 0.029664, p-value = 0.7711
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The two blue lines are the 95% confidence interval. The K-S test for the uniformality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.7711. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the PITs calculated from the fitted Ou model based on the training data follow a uniform distribution in the interval (0,1).
As usual, we also give AIC and BIC of the fitted model to the data.
$Aic model_fit
## [1] -3006.927
$Bic model_fit
## [1] -3000.502
Let \(r_t\) denote the observed interest rate at time \(t\), \(t\leq T\). The MOU model is defined below.
\[ dr_{t}=(\alpha -\beta r_t) dt +\sigma r_t dW_t, \] where \(\{W_t, t\geq0\}\) denotes the Wiener process, \(\beta>0\) and \(\sigma>0\). Define by \(\theta=(\alpha, \beta, \sigma)\) the vector of parameters of the MOU model.
## nimble version 0.12.1 is loaded.
## For more information on NIMBLE and a User Manual,
## please visit https://R-nimble.org.
## Attaching package: 'nimble'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## simulate
= 500
N = 1:N
r 1] = 0.0013875
= 0.018
alphab = 0.015
beta = 0.012
for (i in 2:N){
= r[i-1] + alpha - beta*r[i-1] +sigma*r[i-1]*rnorm(1, 0, 1)
r[i] }
= 1: length(r)
k par(mfrow=c(1,1))
plot(k,r, type="l")
Now we fit the MOU model to the artificially generated data set.
= 5000
burn_in = 15000
N = interRate(r, burn_in, N, "MOU") model_fit
The following table contains the estimated parameters, the standard deviations, and the Bayesian confidence intervals.
$estimate model_fit
## Est. Std. HPD CI(95%)_lower HPD CI(95%)_upper
## 1 0.01799608 1.625546e-05 0.01796303 0.01802709
## 2 0.01542245 5.333021e-04 0.01436339 0.01647043
## 3 0.01188201 3.797387e-04 0.01115356 0.01262440
After discarding the first burn_in of 5,000 sampled points, we use the 10,000 sampled points for parameter estimation. We plot the three sampled time series after the burn_in period.
The standardized residuals calculated using the formula below would follow a standard normal distribution.
\[ Residual_t =(r_t-(\hat{\alpha} -\hat{\beta} r_t))/(\hat{\sigma} r_t), \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: ress
## D = 0.027343, p-value = 0.8497
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The K-S test for the normality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.8497. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the standardized residuals follow a univariate normal distribution.
Now, we look at the PITs for the estimated MOU model. \[ u(t)=\int_{-\infty}^{r_t}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma r_t} \exp\bigg\{-\frac{(z-r_{t-1}-\alpha+\beta r_{t-1})^2}{2\sigma^2 r_{t-1}^2}\bigg\}dz \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: model_cdf
## D = 0.028473, p-value = 0.8123
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The two blue lines are the 95% confidence interval. The K-S test for the uniformality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.8123. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the PITs calculated from the fitted Ou model based on the training data follow a uniform distribution in the interval (0,1).
As usual, we also give AIC and BIC of the fitted model to the data.
$Aic model_fit
## [1] -3085.35
$Bic model_fit
## [1] -3078.925
Let \(r_t\) denote the observed interest rate at time \(t\), \(t\leq T\). The CIR model is defined below.
\[ dr_{t}=(\alpha -\beta r_t) dt +\sigma \sqrt{r_t} dW_t, \] where \(\{W_t, t\geq0\}\) denotes the Wiener process, \(\alpha>0\), \(\beta>0\) and \(\sigma>0\). Define by \(\theta=(\alpha, \beta, \sigma)\) the vector of parameters of the CIR model. In order for the CIR model to generate positive values an additional condition \(2\alpha >\sigma^2\) has to be met.
= 500
N = 1:N
r 1] = 0.0013875
= 0.018
alpha = 0.015
beta = 0.012
for (i in 2:N){
= r[i-1] + alpha - beta*r[i-1] +sigma*sqrt(r[i-1])*rnorm(1, 0, 1)
r[i] }
= 1: length(r)
k par(mfrow=c(1,1))
plot(k,r, type="l")
Now we fit the MOU model to the artificially generated data set.
= 5000
burn_in = 15000
N = interRate(r, burn_in, N, "CIR") model_fit
The following table contains the estimated parameters, the standard deviations, and the Bayesian confidence intervals.
$estimate model_fit
## Est. Std. HPD CI(95%)_lower HPD CI(95%)_upper
## 1 0.01817683 0.0003895953 0.01739399 0.01890623
## 2 0.01569573 0.0006565451 0.01446451 0.01703603
## 3 0.01187670 0.0003795695 0.01112435 0.01259369
After discarding the first burn_in of 5,000 sampled points, we use the 10,000 sampled points for parameter estimation. We plot the three sampled time series after the burn_in period.
The standardized residuals calculated using the formula below would follow a standard normal distribution.
\[ Residual_t =(r_t-(\hat{\alpha} -\hat{\beta} r_t))/(\hat{\sigma} \sqrt{r_t}), \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: ress
## D = 0.025265, p-value = 0.9077
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The K-S test for the normality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.9077. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the standardized residuals follow a univariate normal distribution.
Now we fit the MOU model to the artificially generated data set.
\[ u(t)=\int_{-\infty}^{r_t}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi r_t}\sigma} \exp\bigg\{-\frac{(z-r_{t-1}-\alpha+\beta r_{t-1})^2}{2\sigma^2 r_{t-1}}\bigg\}dz \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: model_cdf
## D = 0.026371, p-value = 0.8776
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The two blue lines are the 95% confidence interval. The K-S test for the uniformality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.8776. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the PITs calculated from the fitted Ou model based on the training data follow a uniform distribution in the interval (0,1).
As usual, we also give AIC and BIC of the fitted model to the data.
$Aic model_fit
## [1] -3044.582
$Bic model_fit
## [1] -3038.157
Let \(r_t\) denote the observed interest rate at time \(t\), \(t\leq T\). The CEV model is defined below.
\[ dr_{t}=(\alpha -\beta r_t) dt +\sigma r_t^{\gamma} dW_t, \] where \(\{W_t, t\geq0\}\) denotes the Wiener process, \(\beta>0\), \(\sigma>0\) and \(\gamma>0\). Define by \(\theta=(\alpha, \beta, \sigma, \gamma)\) the vector of parameters of the CEV model.
= 500
N = 1:N
r 1] = 0.0013875
= 0.018
alpha = 0.015
beta = 0.012
sigma = 0.75
for (i in 2:N){
= r[i-1] + alpha - beta*r[i-1] + sigma * r[i-1]^gamma1 * rnorm(1, 0, 1)
r[i] }
= 1: length(r)
k par(mfrow=c(1,1))
plot(k,r, type="l")
Now we fit the CEV model to the artificially generated data set.
= 5000
burn_in = 15000
N = interRate(r, burn_in, N, "CEV") model_fit
The following table contains the estimated parameters, the standard deviations, and the Bayesian confidence intervals.
$estimate model_fit
## Est. Std. HPD CI(95%)_lower HPD CI(95%)_upper
## 1 0.01802878 0.0001799633 0.01767418 0.01839702
## 2 0.01554476 0.0005650349 0.01445982 0.01667657
## 3 0.01181250 0.0003732035 0.01108860 0.01255051
## 4 0.66354830 0.0723529508 0.52374109 0.79924273
After discarding the first burn_in of 5,000 sampled points, we use the 10,000 sampled points for parameter estimation. We plot the three sampled time series after the burn_in period.
The standardized residuals calculated using the formula below would follow a standard normal distribution.
\[ Residual_t =(r_t-(\hat{\alpha} -\hat{\beta} r_t))/(\hat{\sigma} {y_t}^{\hat{\gamma}}), \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: ress
## D = 0.029413, p-value = 0.781
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The K-S test for the normality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.781. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the standardized residuals follow a univariate normal distribution.
\[ u(t)=\int_{-\infty}^{r_t}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi r_t}\sigma} \exp\bigg\{-\frac{(z-r_{t-1}-\alpha+\beta r_{t-1})^2}{2\sigma^2 r_{t-1} r_{t-1}^{2\gamma}}\bigg\}dz \]
## One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data: model_cdf
## D = 0.027754, p-value = 0.8359
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The two blue lines are the 95% confidence interval. The K-S test for the uniformality assumption shows that the p-value is 0.8359. So we can not reject the non hypothesis that the PITs calculated from the fitted Ou model based on the training data follow a uniform distribution in the interval (0,1).
As usual, we also give AIC and BIC of the fitted model to the data.
$Aic model_fit
## [1] -3062.684
$Bic model_fit
## [1] -3058.259
We have shown how to use the functions in the package interRate
from model fitting to model assessment. Simulation studies shows us that the developed MCMC methods are able to recover the true parameters used in artificial data generation.
This version of the package is written in pure R language. To speed up the MCMC estimation process, we are planing to integrate C/C++ too.
We are also planing to write a package for Python in which the estimation process would be written in C/C++.
Sample \(\alpha\). The full conditional of \(\alpha\) is given by
\[ f(\alpha| {\bf r}, \theta_{-\alpha}) \propto \Pi_{t=2}^T\Bigg[ \exp \Bigg(-\frac{[r_t -r_{t-1} -\alpha +\beta r_{t-1}]^2}{2\sigma^2 }\Bigg)\Bigg]\notag\\ \propto \exp \Bigg(-\frac{1}{2}\bigg[\alpha^2\sum_{t=2}^T \frac{1}{\sigma^2 } - 2\alpha\sum_{t=2}^T \frac{r_t -r_{t-1} +\beta r_{t-1}}{\sigma^2 }\Bigg] \Bigg). \] where \(\theta_{-\alpha}\) is defined as the parameter vector \(\theta\) except \(\alpha\). So the full conditional of \(\alpha\) is a univariate normal distribution. \[ \alpha\sim N(a,b), \text{ with } a=\frac{d}{c}, b=\sqrt{\frac{1}{c}}, \text{where } c= \frac{T-1}{\sigma^2 } \text { and } d=\sum_{t=2}^T \frac{r_t -r_{t-1} +\beta r_{t-1}}{\sigma^2}. \]
Simulation of this full conditional is straightforward.
Sample \({\beta}\), \(\beta>0\). The full conditional of \(\beta\) is given by \[ f(\beta| {\bf r}, \theta_{-\beta}) \propto \Pi_{t=2}^T\Bigg[ \exp \Bigg(-\frac{[r_t -r_{t-1} -\alpha +\beta r_{t-1}]^2}{2\sigma^2 }\Bigg)\Bigg]\notag\\ \propto \exp \Bigg(-\frac{1}{2}\bigg[\beta^2\sum_{t=2}^T \frac{ r_{t-1}^2}{\sigma^2} - 2\beta\sum_{t=2}^T \frac{(-r_t +r_{t-1} +\alpha) r_{t-1}}{\sigma^2 }\Bigg] \Bigg). \] So the full conditional of \(\beta\) is a univariate normal distribution, \[ \beta\sim N\bigg(\frac{d_1}{c_1}, \sqrt{\frac{1}{c_1}}\bigg), \text{where } c_1=\sum_{t=2}^T \frac{ r_{t-1}^2}{\sigma^2} \text { and } d_1=\sum_{t=2}^T \frac{(-r_t +r_{t-1} +\alpha)r_{t-1}}{\sigma^2 }. \] Simulation of the full conditional of \(\beta\) is carried out by just sampling a univariate normal distribution truanted in the interval \((0, \infty)\). We propose to use the slice sampler introduced in Neal (2003) to simulate this full conditional to simulate this full conditional.
Sample Sample \({\sigma^2}\). The full conditional of \(\sigma^2\) is given by \[ f(\sigma^2| {\bf r}, \theta_{-\sigma}) \propto (\sigma^2)^{-\frac{T-1}{2}}\Pi_{t=2}^T\Bigg[ \exp \Bigg(-\frac{[r_t -r_{t-1} -\alpha +\beta r_{t-1}]^2}{2\sigma^2 }\Bigg)\Bigg]\notag\\ = (\sigma^2)^{-\frac{T-1}{2}} \exp \Bigg(-\frac{\frac{1}{2}\sum_{t=2}^T[r_t -r_{t-1} -\alpha +\beta r_{t-1}]^2}{\sigma^2 } \Bigg). \] So the full conditional of \(\sigma^2\) is an Inverse Gamma distribution, \[ \sigma^2\sim IG\bigg(\frac{T-3}{2}, \delta\bigg), \text{where } \delta=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{t=2}^T[r_t -r_{t-1} -\alpha +\beta r_{t-1}]^2. \] We Simulate the full conditional of \(\sigma^2\) by simulating an Inverse Gamma distribution.
Please kindly let us zhongxianmen@hotmail.com, chengguo.weng@uwaterloo.ca
know your comments and suggestions, so we can improve it in the next version.